HBA Trunk or Treat 2021

OSK is always happy to support the Home Builders Association of East Lansing. We were thrilled to participate this week in their annual Trunk or Treat!
OSK is always happy to support the Home Builders Association of East Lansing. We were thrilled to participate this week in their annual Trunk or Treat!
2018 Home Builders Association of Greater Lansing Golf Outing
Pictured: Attorneys Ken Lucas and Elliot Gabel, of Counsel The Ingham County Bar Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in Michigan in 2002 as a vehicle for lawyers and other interested citizens to make charitable contributions for the tangible,…
Oade, Stroud and Kleiman contribute to Horn of Plenty Charity Drive. The Young Lawyers Section of the Ingham County Bar Association sponsor this event to assist those in need in our community. They collect canned goods, clothing, blankets, personal needs…
Their mission is to improve recycling options and opportunities for Mid-Michigan Residents! Your Mid-Michigan recycling organizations work together to bring great recycling events and opportunities to you. Our largest event is Recycle Rama which has helped about 1,200 citizens recycle and…
Holiday for Heroes is organized by the Michigan Guard Adopt-A-Family Program. The mission of the program is to help families enjoy a nice holiday season while their loved ones are overseas. Each year, Oade, Stroud & Kleiman, P.C. adopts a family…
The mission of the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the…
[custom_frame_center][/custom_frame_center] 2017 Home Builders Association of Greater Lansing Golf Outing
“Trunk or Treat” with Home Builders Association
OSK Ladies’ Night Out